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Please visit my MySpace Music page for the latest updates and song samples available

Solar Wind uses the following gear:

Yamaha www.yamaha.com

GHS Strings www.ghsstrings.com

Other Links:

Smoothjazz.com www.smoothjazz.com

Jazzreview.com www.jazzreview.com

Smooth Notes & News www.smoothnotesandnews.com

JazzLynx Cafe Jazz Radio www.jazzlynx.net

All About Jazz www.allaboutjazz.com

Music Dish www.musicdish.com

Tony Yeargin's company (my friend who is also a bass player)
Excellence in Design - 3 Dimensional CADD Solid Modeling of Plastic Parts and Injection Molds

    phone: 626.329.2557   email: solarwindjazz@gmail.com